• About OFS
    古川电机集团的成就跨越了几个世纪, 为人民建设美好生活,实现美好社会,支撑美好明天.

    Global Company Overview
    Global Company Overview
    Get to know OFS in this new video from the world-leading designer, 光纤的制造商和供应商, optical cable, connectivity, FTTx, 以及专业的光电产品和解决方案.

    Manufacturing Optical Fiber at OFS
    OFS Fiber Manufacturing
    OFS, 世界一流光纤的领先制造商, 邀请您参观我们的生产设施 in Norcross, Georgia, USA. 查看高度自动化的OFS制造操作,从纯原材料到我们的VAD预制体制造过程,再到纤维拉伸和最终产品测试.

    Medical Device Capabilities
    Medical Device Capabilities
    OFS处于医疗器械行业的前沿. OFS与制造商合作开发正在改变医学面貌的创新技术. With the power of a dedicated R&D Division, OFS provides fiber optic know-how, 设计能力和必要的应用经验,以帮助客户生产研究驱动的医疗设备技术,帮助改善患者护理和生活质量.

    OFS Specialty Photonics Division
    OFS Specialty Photonics Division
    我们是beat365登录光子学部门, a leader in developing fiber optic solutions for the medical, industrial, telecommunications, government, aerospace, defense, and transportation industries. The OFS name may be new to you. . . but we have a hundred-year heritage of technology innovation. . . one of the world's oldest and largest body of expertise in optical fiber solutions.

    OFS Specialty
    OFS Specialty
    At OFS, 我们将“专业”定义为与远距离语音或数据传输无关的任何应用, in campus settings, or within data centers. To help our customers with specialty applications such as the delivery of laser power, industrial networking, sensing, avionics systems, and short-haul communication networks; we created the OFS Specialty Products line. 该产品线是需要产品承受恶劣环境条件的应用的理想选择.

    Whether your industry is medical, industrial, aerospace, defense, or energy; we have an optical fiber solution for you.

    在当今竞争激烈的市场中, 制造商必须不断降低成本,同时提高质量和生产率. 最成功的公司依赖于工厂自动化——具有低延迟的高比特率工业网络, real-time results. OFS, expanding our legacy of excellence in multimode fiber design for Enterprise networks, introduces GiHCS®, a graded-index version of our renowned Hard Clad Silica (HCS®) optical fibers, cables and connectivity. This brief video demonstrates the technology and the harsh conditions in which it thrives.

    新从OFS -全球公司概述视频
    新从OFS -全球公司概述视频
    Get to know OFS in this new video from the world-leading designer, 光纤的制造商和供应商, optical cable, connectivity, FTTx, 以及专业的光电产品和解决方案. Full video.
  • Optical Fiber
    Manufacturing Optical Fiber at OFS
    OFS Fiber Manufacturing
    OFS, 世界一流光纤的领先制造商, 邀请您参观我们的生产设施 in Norcross, Georgia, USA. 查看高度自动化的OFS制造操作,从纯原材料到我们的VAD预制体制造过程,再到纤维拉伸和最终产品测试.

    OFS, 世界一流多模光纤的领先供应商, 邀请您参观我们的生产设施. 查看OFS的高度自动化制造操作, from the pure raw materials used, 我们的专利MCVD执行制造工艺, 负责纤维拉伸和最终产品测试. 技术底蕴可以追溯到AT&OFS一直在马萨诸塞州的Sturbridge制造高质量的多模光纤. facility since 1981. 像我们的LaserWave®光纤这样的产品用于要求苛刻的企业应用,如局域网, central offices and data centers. 我们的OM4激光优化多模光纤满足或超过100 Gb/s企业应用标准,距离达到550米及以上. 全球的网络管理人员依赖于我们的光纤产品的性能和可靠性.

    Fun with OFS Optical Fiber
    Fun with OFS Optical Fiber
    The magic of fiber. . . 看Danny Orleans, Corporate Magic, Ltd., at Photonics West 2013. 看看OFS光纤能为你做些什么——嗯,差不多吧.




    航空航天光纤解决方案 & Defense
    航空航天光纤解决方案 & Defense

  • Fiber Optic Cable
    OFS AccuTube®+可卷曲带状电缆
    OFS AccuTube®+可卷曲带状电缆,散管结构,432/576/864纤维计数结构. 扩大的产品线包括可用于所有纤维计数的单护套和轻型装甲结构. OFS的可卷曲带具有12个间歇性粘合的纤维,包装在一个灵活而紧凑的束中,提供了大量拼接的好处,改善了光纤的布线和处理. 这些100%无凝胶电缆是唯一具有可卷曲带的产品,可最大限度地提高光纤密度,包装在OFS的AccuTube®+带中,采用松管结构,在北美被现场证明是最坚固的电缆设计之一. The AccuTube® product line is well known in the industry for ruggedness, fiber protection, ease of installation, 并且随时可以使用纤维带. The cable designs meet or exceed all requirements of Telcordia GR-20 Issue 4, 与其他高密度光纤电缆设计相比,在卷绕和处理方面提供卓越的性能.

    AccuTube+ Rollable Ribbon
    AccuTube+ Rollable Ribbon
    Demonstrating the use of OFS Rollable Ribbon Cable and PLP closure.

    OFS - Rollable Ribbon Series
    OFS - Rollable Ribbon Series

    All About OFS' Microcables
    All About OFS' Microcables
    OFS has developed innovative microcables and cabled fiber units as flexible, 成本效益的解决方案,以扩大拥挤的地铁网络,使用传统的电缆设计是不可取的. 看看我们的电缆如何帮助网络扩展到全球.

    beat365登录OFS的PowerGuide ADSS电缆
    beat365登录OFS的PowerGuide ADSS电缆
    OFS是空中光缆部署的先驱, as one of the earliest manufacturers of All-Dielectric Self-Supporting (or ADSS) cables, 活跃的装置可以追溯到80年代中期. 今天,OFS为所有ADSS应用生产电缆. From cables that can span massive gorges to the drop to your house, OFS拥有适合该应用的PowerGuide ADSS产品.

    AT&OFS公司MiDia FX Plus微型电缆的安装
    AT&OFS公司MiDia FX Plus微型电缆的安装AT&T在亚特兰大的网络中安装了OFS的MiDia®FX+光纤微电缆, GA, in February 2004. AT&此前,T公司在其亚特兰大网络中安装了15英里的微型管道和OFS的MiDia FX+光纤微型电缆.

    本视频是一段延时录像,比较了传统单模光纤电缆(使用电缆桥架来控制弯曲半径)和新型OFS EZ-Bend®4的安装速度.8mm室内电缆,可以绕过角落,使用传统的快速简便的铜线安装方法进行钉接, with negligible signal loss.

    EZ-Bend® Optical Technology
    EZ-Bend® Optical Technology
    OFS的新型EZ-Bend光纤技术可以将光纤电缆的弯曲性能提高100倍,从而避免业务中断并降低安装成本. Supporting multiple dwelling unit (MDU) and in-home wiring applications, 突破性的EZ-Bend技术解决了加速和简化安装的关键需求,允许光纤电缆以传统光纤电缆无法实现的方式弯曲和布线, to facilitate rapid deployment of fiber to and within the residence.

    这个演示展示了使用EZ-Bend技术的光缆支持的实时视频流,该技术在多个角落弯曲并装订, 图像质量没有下降.

    FlightLinx® PLUS Fiber Optic Cable
    FlightLinx® PLUS Fiber Optic Cable
    本视频介绍FlightLinx®PLUS光纤电缆, 专为机上娱乐而设计, Internet access, 商用飞机的网络和显示系统.

    这种轻量化设计满足了对轻型飞机和提高燃油效率的需求. Premium OFS Optical Fiber offers increased bandwidth for data communications. 高性能结构由松散结构电缆内的紧密缓冲纤维组成,可实现可靠的防拉终止,并有助于防止在部署期间和之后发生扭结和纤维断裂. FlightLinx PLUS光纤电缆是1.8mm加固单护套电缆设计,满足ARINC 802性能要求,无需双护套.

    OFS AccuTube® Rollable Ribbon Cable Prep and Fiber Splicing in a PLP Coyote 9.5” x 28” Dome Closure
    OFS AccuTube® Rollable Ribbon Cable Prep and Fiber Splicing in a PLP Coyote 9.5” x 28” Dome Closure
    OFS AccuTube RR(可卷曲带状)可卷曲光纤带状电缆在给定电缆尺寸下的光纤长度是传统扁平带状电缆的两倍. These cables are gel-free, so they are also lighter than traditional cables. Rollable ribbons enable traditional ribbon splicing efficiencies, and the ribbon in loose tube design is a field-proven cable design. This video shows the cable and closure preparation process in a PLP Coyote 9.5” x 28” dome closure, 以及可卷曲光纤带的拼接.

    OFS AccuTube®可卷曲带状电缆准备和光纤拼接在康普FOSC 600D封闭
    OFS AccuTube®可卷曲带状电缆准备和光纤拼接在康普FOSC 600D封闭
    OFS AccuTube RR(可卷曲带状)可卷曲光纤带状电缆在给定电缆尺寸下的光纤长度是传统扁平带状电缆的两倍. These cables are gel-free, so they are also lighter than traditional cables. Rollable ribbons enable traditional ribbon splicing efficiencies, and the ribbon in loose tube design is a field-proven cable design. 本视频展示了康普FOSC 600D闭包中的电缆和闭包准备过程, 以及可卷曲光纤带的拼接.

    AccuRiser™ Cable – One Product, One Inventory Around the Globe
    AccuRiser™ Cable – One Product, One Inventory Around the Globe
    Meet OFS Jack. 让他与您分享他所知道的:AccuRiser室内/室外电缆可以帮助您在数据中心或中心部署期间简化路由和加快安装速度.

  • Optical Connectivity
    EZ!Fuse SC 2 & 3mm
    OFS InvisiLight®室内生活单元(ILU)解决方案
    Fast, virtually invisible fiber optic connections for your indoor living unit (ILU). See for yourself!

    EZ!Fuse SC 2 & 3mm
    EZ!Fuse SC 2 & 3mm
    一段演示FITEL EZ使用方法的简短视频!保险丝连接连接器与2mm和3mm绳.

    EZ Connect Module System
    EZ Connect System

    OFS SlimBox™ Drop System
    OFS SlimBox™ Drop System
    The SlimBox Drop Terminal is an excellent drop terminal system for SFU deployment, and can also be used for small to medium sized MDU deployment. SlimBox Drop Terminal可与EX-Bend 4一起使用.8 mm or Mini LT Flat Drop Cables for an easy-to-deploy plug and play system. Accommodates up to 16 drop cables and can hold up to a 1x16 splitter, making it an excellent choice for distributed split architectures. It can also function as a splice closure, holding up to 48 individual splices. The terminal can be pole, pedestal or aerial mounted, but is not recommended for underground deployment in a handhole.

    GiHCS® Industrial Networking Solution and LC Crimp and Cleave Technology
    GiHCS® Industrial Networking Solution and LC Crimp and Cleave Technology
    Through decades of development, OFS已经开发并证明了在各种非传统应用中使用光纤的鲁棒性和简单性.

    Using fiber optic cables with OFS’ revolutionary GiHCS (Graded-Index, Hard-Coat Silica) Optical Fiber, with the new Crimp, 切割和离开LC连接器解决方案, Industrial Network field installations have never been easier.

    GiHCS® Industrial Networking Solution and SC Crimp and Cleave Technology
    GiHCS® Industrial Networking Solution and SC Crimp and Cleave Technology
    介绍光纤网络的工业化方式, featuring rugged, graded-index HCS® optical cables with the revolutionary crimp & cleave SC.

    SG FC 2 mm & 3 mm SOC
    SG FC 2 mm & 3 mm SOC
    The FITEL® S178 (along with S153 and S123) Fusion Splicer can produce reliable, 高精度拼接连接器(SC, FC, and LC). 本视频展示了使用最先进的OFS' FITEL®S-178融合拼接器在FC型连接器的拼接连接器(SOC)操作中拼接3 mm涂层光纤. FITEL Fusion Splicer系列生产可靠, 高度精确的拼接可以加快光纤部署,降低安装和人工成本. OFS offers a complete line of FITEL Fusion Splicers, Tools, and Kits.

    SG SC 2 mm & 3 mm SOC
    SG SC 2 mm & 3 mm SOC
    The FITEL® S178 (along with S153 and S123) Fusion Splicer can produce reliable, 高精度拼接连接器(SC, FC, and LC). 本视频展示了使用最先进的OFS' FITEL®S-178融合拼接器在SC型连接器的拼接连接器(SOC)操作中拼接3毫米涂层光纤. FITEL Fusion Splicer系列生产可靠, 高度精确的拼接可以加快光纤部署,降低安装和人工成本. OFS offers a complete line of FITEL Fusion Splicers, Tools, and Kits.

    Performing Splice-On Connections with OFS' FITEL S-177 Fusion Splicer
    Performing Splice-On Connections with OFS' FITEL S-177 Fusion Splicer
    FITEL®S-177 Fusion Splicer可以生产可靠,高度精确的拼接连接器. 本视频展示了使用最先进的OFS' FITEL®S-177融合拼接器来拼接OFS'超弯曲不敏感4.8 EZ-Bend® Indoor/Outdoor Optical Cable in a splice-on connector (SOC) operation. FITEL Fusion Splicer系列生产可靠, 高度精确的拼接可以加快光纤部署,降低安装和人工成本. OFS offers a complete line of FITEL Fusion Splicers, Tools, and Kits.


    OFS ORBITAL™光纤配电柜
    OFS ORBITAL™光纤配电柜
    ORBITAL光纤配电柜(FDC)是专为光纤到x (FTTx)分配器应用而设计的创新解决方案. Designed to serve 160, 288或576个家庭(取决于版本), the ORBITAL FDCs feature OFS' unique splitter module incorporating full spectrum, low loss PLC splitters, while being fitted with low loss, 高性能LC和MPO连接器. OFS的MPO风扇跳线很容易从分离器模块连接到用户端口, 并使用OFS的弯曲优化AllWave® FLEX 零水峰(ZWP)光纤,最大限度地减少弯曲损耗. 在一个显著改进的光纤分布设计, ORBITAL fdc将所有用户光纤从分离器模块路由到中央机柜, then to subscriber ports arranged in a circular array surrounding the cabinet.

    Crimp and Cleave Termination
    Crimp and Cleave Termination
    OFS, Crimp & Cleave终端使光纤电缆易于安装和使用,只需最少的培训,无需消耗品. OFS以其HCS®光纤技术开创了这一工艺. 该技术允许在每端不到3分钟的时间内将各种连接器直接压接到光纤的包层上,以实现安全接口, lending itself to the "Crimp, Cleave & Leave" notoriety. They can easily withstand the full forces typical with installation.

    AllWave® FLEX Jumper Demo
    AllWave® FLEX Jumper Demo
    Where can you find potential tight radius bends in an optical network? EVERYWHERE. 为了应对这种情况,OFS现在提供了特殊的AllWave FLEX 具有弯曲优化AllWave功能的跳线 FLEX Zero Water Peak (ZWP) Fiber. 本视频展示了这种跳线和传统单模光纤跳线在弯曲损耗方面的性能差异.

  • Fusion Splicers
    FITEL® Ninja EASY On-Site Cleaning
    FITEL® Ninja EASY On-Site Cleaning
    可拆卸v型槽,便于现场清洁! No more maintenance cost. No more shipping cost. No more time lost. 业界首创的可拆卸v型槽将在2分钟内解决光纤对准问题.2套备用电极价格5分钟. Equip your units with spare V-Groove and immediately resolve alignment obstacles.

    FITEL NINJA NJ001手持式单纤维融合接头机
    FITEL NINJA NJ001手持式单纤维融合接头机
    即使在恶劣的环境条件下,也能实现快速、可靠的光纤拼接. 结合便携性和易用性在坚固耐用的身体, NJ001 Splicer提供强大的拼接性能,并具有在现场使用所需的耐用性.


    The FITEL NINJA NJ001 Handheld, 单个光纤融合接头具有6个关键功能,有助于将其与其他组件分开:

    • Large Splicing Chamber
    • Easy Fiber Holder Insertion
    • Illuminated Splicing Chamber
    • Removable V-Groove
    • Heavy Duty Motors
    • Easy Electrode Removal/Replacement
    • Speedy General Maintenance

    FITEL Ninja Fusion Splicer Setup for use with AFL SOC Connectors
    FITEL Ninja Fusion Splicer Setup for use with AFL SOC Connectors
    本视频演示了如何配置FITEL忍者融合接头特定使用与AFL SOC连接器.

    FITEL Ninja Setup for use with Sumitomo Electric SOC Connectors
    FITEL Ninja Setup for use with Sumitomo Electric SOC Connectors
    本教学视频详细介绍了配置FITEL Ninja Fusion Splicer的具体使用与住友电气SOC连接器的步骤.

    This video shows the correct function of the FITEL Ninja Fusion Splicer

    本视频详细介绍了清洁和维护FITEL Ninja Fusion Splicer的正确方法

    This video demonstrates some of the basic functions of the FITEL Ninja Fusion Splicer
    This video demonstrates some of the basic functions of the FITEL Ninja Fusion Splicer

    This video demonstrates some of the basic functions of the FITEL Ninja Fusion Splicer
    Ribbon Splicing - Rollable to Flat
    本视频演示了如何使用S123M12 FITEL接头融合可卷曲带状光纤与扁平带状光纤

    如何使用FITEL S178融合接插件进行拼接
    如何使用FITEL S178融合接插件进行拼接
    In this video, 我们将向您展示在使用我们的S178融合剪接器时纳入剪接过程的简单性.

    In this video, 我们将向您展示最新的FITEL®S178手持式核心对准融合拼接器的简洁性, 最先进的S17X系列连接器的补充. By combining speed, precision, 耐用性和便携性于一体, S178融合拼接器开创了核心对准拼接的全新应用范围. The S178 is smaller in size than previous models and has a canopy design, durable metal body frame, 橡胶保护角,提供强大的保护, enabling use in demanding environments without compromising splicing performance.

    FITEL S179 with AFL SOC Connectors
    配置FITEL S179与AFL SOC连接器
    教程展示了如何配置FITEL S179融合接插件与AFL SOC连接器一起使用.

    FITEL S179与住友SOC连接器
    配置FITEL S179与住友SOC连接器
    教程展示了如何配置FITEL S179融合接插件与住友SOC连接器一起使用.

    FITEL S179 Maintenance
    FITEL S179 Maintenance
    演示维护FITEL S179融合接插件程序的教学视频.

    Fitel S179 Operation
    Fitel S179 Operation
    演示FITEL S179融合拼接机的正确操作程序的教学视频.

    Fitel S179 WiFi
    Fitel S179 WiFi
    演示使用FITEL S179融合接头与wifi网络的教学视频.

    FITEL S326 Cleaver Maintenance
    FITEL S326 Cleaver Maintenance
    This video shows the steps taken to clean and maintain the S326 Cleaver.

    EZ!Fuse™900µm LC SOC组装程序
    EZ!Fuse™900µm LC SOC组装程序

    EZ!Fuse™900µm SC SOC组装程序
    EZ!Fuse™900µm SC SOC组装程序

    EZ!保险丝™2毫米LC SOC组装程序
    EZ!保险丝™2毫米LC SOC组装程序

    EZ!Fuse™2毫米LC SOC组装程序w/FITEL EZT-01
    EZ!Fuse™2毫米LC SOC组装程序w/FITEL EZT-01

    EZ!保险丝™2/3毫米SC SOC组装程序

    SG SC 2 mm & 3 mm SOC
    EZ!Fuse™2/3 mm SC SOC组装程序w/Fitel EZT-01

    SG FC 2 mm & 3 mm SOC
    SG FC 2 mm & 3 mm SOC
    The FITEL® S178 (along with S153 and S123) Fusion Splicer can produce reliable, 高精度拼接连接器(SC, FC, and LC). 本视频展示了使用最先进的OFS' FITEL®S-178融合拼接器在FC型连接器的拼接连接器(SOC)操作中拼接3 mm涂层光纤. FITEL Fusion Splicer系列生产可靠, 高度精确的拼接可以加快光纤部署,降低安装和人工成本. OFS offers a complete line of FITEL Fusion Splicers, Tools, and Kits.

    EZ!保险丝®SC 900µm连接器组装程序
    A step-by-step guide for assembling a 900 µm Splice On Connector with the EZ!Fuse® SC.

    More videos coming soon!


    An introductory video outlining the basic use of the FITEL S124M12 Fusion Splicer

  • FTTx
    OFS InvisiLight®室内生活单元(ILU)解决方案
    OFS InvisiLight®室内生活单元(ILU)解决方案
    Fast, virtually invisible fiber optic connections for your indoor living unit (ILU). See for yourself!

    OFS InvisiLight多住宅单元(MDU)解决方案在住宅和商业MDU内提供几乎不可见和更快的路由. Using this solution, 服务提供商可以通过更快地为居民和租户提供光纤服务来帮助加快光纤服务的采用, 更低的成本和几乎不可见的安装. These benefits can result in higher subscriber acceptance and take rates, greater profitability and faster times to revenue for service providers.

    Sandy, Oregon FTTH Case Study
    Sandy, Oregon FTTH Case Study
    OFS最近帮助在桑迪市部署了一个交钥匙光纤到户(FTTH)网络, Oregon. This new network brings 1 GB/s broadband service to approximately 3,500 residents via SandyNet, 互联网服务提供商(ISP)由社区所有,自2003年起由市政府运营.

    OFS SlimBox™ Drop System
    OFS SlimBox™ Drop System
    The SlimBox Drop Terminal is an excellent drop terminal system for SFU deployment, and can also be used for small to medium sized MDU deployment. SlimBox Drop Terminal可与EX-Bend 4一起使用.8 mm or Mini LT Flat Drop Cables for an easy-to-deploy plug and play system. Accommodates up to 16 drop cables and can hold up to a 1x16 splitter, making it an excellent choice for distributed split architectures. It can also function as a splice closure, holding up to 48 individual splices. The terminal can be pole, pedestal or aerial mounted, but is not recommended for underground deployment in a handhole.

    2015年FTTH大会-采访John George
    2015年FTTH大会-采访John George
    美国FTTH市场目前正处于火热状态,家庭对电视的需求达到了创纪录的水平. FTTH理事会美洲董事会成员John George谈到了推动市场的应用以及下一步的发展.

    All About OFS' FTTH Solution
    All About OFS' FTTH Solution
    OFS has developed an animated description of its Fiber-to-the-Home solution offering. 跟随光脉冲穿过网络.

    OFS EZ-Bend®InvisiLight®光学解决方案
    OFS EZ-Bend®InvisiLight®光学解决方案
    OFS EZ-Bend InvisiLight光学解决方案是一种革命性的新系统,可实现快速, easy, 几乎看不见的室内光纤掉落连接. See how ......

    EZ-Bend® Optical Technology
    EZ-Bend® Optical Technology
    OFS的新型EZ-Bend光纤技术可以将光纤电缆的弯曲性能提高100倍,从而避免业务中断并降低安装成本. Supporting multiple dwelling unit (MDU) and in-home wiring applications, 突破性的EZ-Bend技术解决了加速和简化安装的关键需求,允许光纤电缆以传统光纤电缆无法实现的方式弯曲和布线, to facilitate rapid deployment of fiber to and within the residence.

    这个演示展示了使用EZ-Bend技术的光缆支持的实时视频流,该技术在多个角落弯曲并装订, 图像质量没有下降.


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